How we add value

Our highly skilled and experienced development managers and project managers will work seamlessly as an extension of your team, focusing on providing thorough, well considered, fact based advice for you to make the right development decisions. The right development decision always considers a full perspective on how the acquisition or development opportunity can be maximized whilst fully understanding the risk profile, which is at the core of how Sinclair Brook provide our expert guidance. 

  • Understanding the limitations and opportunities of that site, and the risks which are associated with both of these aspects, is fundamental to the success of any development acquisition. Sinclair Brook will apply a proven robust process in uncovering all relevant issues with the subject site and its surroundings, extending beyond the physical attributes and across market positioning, needs analysis, demands analysis, commercial analysis, planning limitations and political/social sensitivities. All of these factors form the basis of a viable pre-acquisition development strategy.

  • We take the time to fully understand and appreciate the client’s objectives, aspirations and strategy. Once understood, this is consolidated into a Development Brief to ensure the development objectives (incl. yield, return, design, program, peak debt/equity, etc.) are clearly articulated and held central to the project development.

    Our expert advisors will apply their extensive knowledge, as well as tapping into our access to market research and analysis, to test the supply & demand assumptions. Where warranted, we would brief and manage the procurement of targeted expert research to ensure the highest level of supply & demand analysis is available.

    Based on this information, Sinclair Brook apply our experience and collaborate with the Client’s team to quickly hone in on the site’s highest and best use before incrementally improving on this through iterative design refinement, ensuring the site’s very highest and best use is achieved.

  • Imperative to all phases of property development is sound feasibility modelling. Sinclair Brook typically utilize Estatemaster to generate our feasibility modelling, starting with high level and agile inputs (utilizing our database) that become progressively more detailed as the development concept matures. Concurrently, Sinclair Brook run our very own budget and cash flow model, which ensures the development team have accurate information at hand, at all times, detailing project cost, forecast cashflow, costs to date and future expenses. This ensures consultant claims and costs are properly controlled, and that our client’s know exactly what their status is.

  • Key to realizing a successful development is securing a favorable planning outcome. We work closely with the Client’s architect and planning consultant to analyse the planning sensitivities in detail and develop a design which maximises the development outcome. This collaborative work continues throughout the planning assessment phase, where Sinclair Brook drive the team, referral authorities and planning authorities to expedite the permit outcome. We have extensive experience in master planned permits, which are often crucial to the commercial viability of medium and larger scale projects. Ensuring the master plan strategy works to maximise the outcomes is essential, and Sinclair Brook work proactively with the development team to refine a master plan strategy that achieves this.

    Sinclair Brook has significant experience with DTP (including the Development Facilitation Program), local council, VCAT, and working in the urban growth areas.

  • Sinclair Brook have dedicated expert advisors to assist in securing additional debt/equity, JV partners, or just the most competitive finance for your project. Whether it is low pre-sale/lease requirements, or the most competitive rate you are after, Sinclair Brook have the expertise and runs on the board in securing project finance. If you already have a preferred lender, we will assist you in the funding strategy and prepare a carefully targeted feasibility to assist in maximizing your position. In addition, we will support the application process though collation of all information required by your lender.

  • Sinclair Brook advisors are well positioned to participate and manage Project Control Groups and advisory committees. We understand board reporting requirements and are very experienced in structuring our reporting to address board governance. In addition, we work to seamlessly align with any pre-determined reporting requirements or styles to suit our clients.

  • Sinclair Brook understand exactly how important the sales and marketing strategy is to the success of your project, in terms of both commencement (volume) and rate of return (velocity). With our breadth of knowledge, we will establish a comprehensive and considered sales and marketing budget from the outset, to ensure there are no surprises. Following this, we will work with you to establish the best sales and marketing team, and collaboratively develop the right strategy to ensure the project commencement and return targets are met. Throughout construction Sinclair Brook will support the sales team by prioritization of technical advice, costing and management of purchaser changes.